Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First China-India Terrestrial Cable Transmission System Enters Service

China Telecom Americas and India's Reliance launched service on the first terrestrial broadband cable transmission system between China and India.

The cable system, with an initial capacity of 20 Gbps, is connected through Tibet to India. The terrestrial cable is co-built by China Telecom and Reliance, and carries DWDM and SDH transmission. The total cable capacity design is 4.8 Tbps, which is thousands times more than what had been the existing bandwidth between China and India.

"The launch of the China-India Cable System will change the communications status quo of connecting via international marine cable systems between China and India," Donald Tan, President of China Telecom Americas, stated. "By providing the direct connection between the two largest developing nations in the world, it will promote the growth of political, cultural and business relationships between China and India and the other South Asian countries, contributing to increased prosperity in the region. It also contributes to the implementation of 'The Five Year Plan for Full Economic and Trade Cooperation' between China and India"http://www.chinatelecom-h.com