Monday, February 9, 2009

Occam Networks Announces New Operating System

Occam Networks unveiled a new operating system that manages its range of BLC 6000 Copper, Gigabit Ethernet and GPON products. Occam said its new OS 6.1 is ideal for service providers migrating from all copper to a mixed copper/fiber or all fiber network. Service providers eager to take advantage of GPON in a mixed copper/fiber network leverage direct Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) to soft-switch capabilities from copper and FTTP applications or generate increased performance of DSL loops will benefit from Occam OS 6.1 software.

Powered by Occam's pure packet over Ethernet BLC 6000 MSAP, Occam OS 6.1 delivers the following key features:

  • Occam OS 6.1 maintains a high level of performance in GPON environments where service providers are maximizing available bandwidth to end-users. This is achieved by incorporating Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) to enable oversubscription of both upstream and downstream PON bandwidth. The platform also incorporates QoS techniques that assure bandwidth for a given subscriber or service under DBA oversubscribed conditions.

  • To further optimize the ADSL2+ connection for transporting loss sensitive traffic such as IPTV and VoIP, Occam's ADSL2+ products now simultaneously support Seamless Rate Adaption (SRA) and physical layer retransmission features to guarantee the best performance in a spectrally noisy environment.

  • With all lifeline POTS blades and FTTP ONTs now supporting Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) signaling in Occam OS 6.1, providers can seamlessly interface to MetaSwitch softswitch products for packet voice switching. The Occam architecture carries all voice traffic as VoIP from subscriber to Central Office and vice versa.

  • Select DS1 interfaces in the BLC 6000 and ONT product lines now support industry standard PWE3 (pseudowire emulation edge-to-edge) standards. As the availability of PWE3 compatible DS1 solutions continues to grow, the integration of PWE3 into Occam's software is key to interoperability.

  • Call Admission Control (CAC) capability is incorporated in Occam OS 6.1 to honor service level agreement (SLA) contracts found in Occam's GPON products. The CAC function ensures the DBA software added to Occam's GPON products meets Quality of Experience (QoE) expectations of end users.

  • Occam OS 6.1 employs a cohesive suite of IP Security Management (IPSM) features applied to all Occam broadband products -- DSL, GPON and GigE FTTP. The IPSM software suite configures the BLC 6000 to control packet admission to the access network and distinguishes trusted from un-trusted and/or unnecessary traffic. The OS takes action automatically based on Occam recommended standards and best practices.