Aircell announced the completion and full
operational readiness of its first wireless network for broadband services to commercial and business airline passengers while flying over the U.S. The Aircell network can now provide air travelers with seamless connectivity when using their in-flight mobile broadband Internet service.
American Airlines and Virgin America have already signed agreements with Aircell to deploy its service in 2008.
"We are open for business and ready to help our airline partners deliver a service that three quarters of a billion passengers can use while flying over the U.S. each year," said Jack Blumenstein, CEO of Aircell.
- In January 2008, Aircell completed its nationwide wireless Air-To-Ground (ATG) network. As part of this build-out, the company constructed cell sites throughout the country. Placement of cell sites ranged from windy, snow topped mountain peaks at 12,000 feet to remote desert terrain below sea level. The company said network completion was accomplished far ahead of time requirements set by the company's FCC license agreement. The first site was activated on August 25, 2007 and the final site, which finalized the nationwide network, went live on January 29th, just five months later.