Sunday, July 22, 2007

Aruba Acquires Network Chemistry's Wireless Security Business

Aruba Networks has acquired Network Chemistry's line of RFprotect and BlueScanner wireless security products.

The RFprotect and BlueScanner wireless products detect network vulnerabilities, intrusion attempts, and policy violations. RFprotect Distributed is a patent-pending wireless intrusion detection and prevention system that uses a central security engine and purpose-built sensors to automate threat detection, attack prevention, and 'no wireless' policy enforcement. RFprotect Mobile is a portable analyzer for conducting site surveys, security assessments, and incident responses of wireless networks, while BlueScanner is a portable Bluetooth discovery and vulnerability assessment tool.

Aruba said it plans to integrate the newly acquired products into its secure mobility solutions.

Network Chemistry said the divestiture enables it to focus entirely on its growing IT management business.