Tuesday, June 26, 2007

XO Launches Point-to-MultiPoint on Demand Service for Carriers

XO Communications launched a new wholesale network service that enables carriers and service providers to obtain bandwidth on demand over the XO advanced, nationwide optical network.

Through a single connection to the XO National Hub, service providers can obtain network connections and capacity on demand to establish hubs on a local, regional and national basis in carrier hotels, ILEC central offices and other end user locations across the United States. The XO solution allows customers to reserve network capacity and deploy it when it is needed, but only pay for the circuits when they are used.

XO said its service is aimed at:

  • International carriers that need to extend their network coverage
    within the United States;

  • Mobile wireless companies that need the ability to rapidly expand network capacity;

  • Telecommunications carriers' that require primary or redundant network solutions supporting dispersed end user data traffic;

  • Internet Service Providers that need to aggregate traffic nationwide through a single network handoff.