PMC-Sierra announced the availability of a VoIP Phone reference platform based on its MIPS-powered MSP2020 Secure VoIP processor and certified Voice Processing Software. The design allows OEMs and ODMs to build consumer and enterprise IP phones with high quality service and very competitive bill of materials (BOM) costs; and secure Wi-Fi phones that overcome reliability and privacy concerns associated with Internet-based telephone services.
PMC-Sierra said its Voice Processing Software technology enabled the MSP2020 VoIP processor to deliver the same levels of voice quality proven with MSP4000 at China Netcom Labs, China Telecommunication Technology Labs and Korea's Telecommunications Technology Association.
The enhanced VoIP security is provided by the MSP2020, which has an integrated hardware security engine that encrypts call set-up messages and voice channel streams for secure transmission over the Internet. This hardware security accelerator performs on the fly encryption and decryption of secure voice channels without the need for a high-speed microprocessor or DSP. Combined with the MIPS-based voice processor, the device is a highly optimized processor for VoIP Phone applications.
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
PMC-Sierra Introduces VoIP Reference Platform
Wednesday, January 04, 2006