Thursday, November 10, 2005

Canada's Shaw Tops One Million VoIP Calls / Day

Nine months after launching Digital Phone service in its first market, Canada's Shaw Communications is now handling more than 1,000,000 calls per day in its network.

Currently, more than 50% of Digital Phone customers are taking a new phone number when they activate Shaw Digital Phone service. All customers choosing a new number can have their Shaw Digital Phone service installed the next day. Shaw Digital Phone is currently available in Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Victoria.

  • In January 2005. Shaw Cablesystems, one of the largest Canadian multi-system cable operators, confirmed the deployment of a multimedia network from Nortel, including the Multimedia Communication Server (MCS) 5200. The SIP-based platform could be used to deliver a variety of multimedia services, including desktop video calling, voice call management, instant messaging, collaboration tools, and personalization services. Shaw plans to offer these services in conjunction with its high-speed Internet service and is expected to be the first cable operator in Canada to offer SIP-based multimedia services.