Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Alcatel Opens NOC in Hong Kong

Alcatel will establish a Network Operation and Integration Centre in Hong Kong and Hutchison Global Communications will become its first client.

Alcatel will use the new Centre to offer a full range of essential network operation and integration support services such as performance and fault monitoring, service management, network and customer services. Customers in Hong Kong will benefit from OPEX reduction, improved operational efficiency, better market focus to meet business challenge and better time-to-market for new technology-based products.

To accelerate the growth potentials of its integration services business in Hong Kong, Alcatel has signed an agreement with Hutchison Global Communications (HGC) in which HGC agrees to transfer to Alcatel certain of its engineering and operation functions, which support HGC's telecommunications network in Hong Kong. It is intended that more than 300 network engineering and operation personnel will be transferred to Alcatel from HGC by mid September 2005. http://www.alcatel.com