Tuesday, June 3, 2003

Webley Introduces SIP-based Audio Conferencing Service

Webley Systems introduced an Internet-based audio conferencing service that uses SIP and speech recognition technology. Conference participants interact using a browser-based Webley SoftPhone client. Online audio conferences can be held instantly without advance notice and without callers needing to log in to a bridge. For billing purposes, conference leaders can capture call detail records (CDR) so they can bill back by client, department or project. Webley said Internet based conferencing would prove to be cheaper. Its new service costs as little as $0.07 per caller per minute, compared to typical domestic conferencing rate of $0.19 to $0.22 per minute and international calling rates of $3 or more. For example, BWW, a North Carolina-based network marketing company that regularly conferences with people overseas, had paid about $336 to conference with nine people in three countries. Webley would charge $42 for the same 60-minute conference, a $294 savings.