The Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (HomePNA) finalized its third-generation technical specification for networking over existing telephone wiring inside a home. The final HomePNA 3.0 spec reaches a data rate of 128 Mbps with optional extensions reaching up to 240 Mbps. It also features a deterministic QoS mechanism so that it can be used as a high speed backbone for distributing multiple, feature-rich digital audio and video applications throughout a home. The QoS technology permits users to assign specific time slots for each stream of data guaranteeing that the real-time data will be delivered when it is required with predetermined latency and without interruption, allowing HomePNA V3 to transport data with inherent QoS requirements such as IEEE1394. The new HomePNA 3.0 specification will be presented shortly to the ITU for global standardization. The ITU-T has already adopted global phoneline networking standards G.989.1, G989.2 and G989.3 based on the HomePNA 2.0 specification.
Tuesday, June 3, 2003
HomePNA 3.0 Spec Pushes Home Networking to 128 Mbps
Tuesday, June 03, 2003