Monday, March 31, 2003

SBC Cuts Calling Rates in California

SBC announced new, lower priced calling plans for consumers and small businesses in California. Residential customers now can receive SBC Long Distance service for a flat 5 cents per minute, with no monthly fee, when bundled with local service. At the end of the one-year promotional period, the rate will change to 7 cents per minute. On the residential international calling front, the company has reduced prices of popular "buckets of minutes" plans to Mexico, added a new Asia "block of time" plan, and cut its International SaverPlus plan rate as well as the per-minute rates to the 30 most frequently called countries covered by the plan. For small- and mid-sized business customers, SBC is offering significantly discounted per-minute basic long distance rates for both in- and out-of-state calling depending on monthly spending and term commitments - such as 3.6 cents per minute with a $15 monthly spend and one-year term commitment.

  • SBC has signed up 1.3 million long distance customers in California in the first three months that it has been permitted to offer the service.