MOX Networks will be deploying Ciena’s 6500 flexible grid Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) photonic layer with WaveLogic 5 Extreme (WL5e) coherent optics to enable multi-terabit capacity on its dark fiber network in the US. Both 100G and 400G connectivity will be offered on MOX network segments in the Pacific Northwest region and on Midwest fiber routes connecting the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions.
Ciena confirmed that its equipment will be installed specifically on the Hillsboro-Portland-Seattle and Columbus-Ashburn Atlanta routes in the coming months.
MOX also recently deployed Telescent’s Gen 4 Network Topology Manager (G4 NTM), an automated interconnect system, to its Hillsboro-Portland-Seattle fiber routes to provide the company with a remote controlled, reconfigurable fiber-optic patch panel and cross-connect platform to implement physical layer automation and diagnostics.
"This is a very exciting time for MOX as we launch our next-generation fiber routes. We continue to invest in our network and the technologies associated with those assets so that our customers have an exceptional experience with our networks. It’s a pleasure to work with Ciena on our latest network upgrades,” said Allen Meeks, President and COO, MOX. “This collaboration with Ciena will allow us to reconfigure backhaul on the fly while providing infinite and intelligent capacity to our customers."
"With Ciena’s WaveLogic 5 Extreme, MOX can deliver its wavelength services with increased capacity, incredible speed, and improved efficiency,” said Kevin Sheehan, CTO of the Americas, Ciena. “This will allow MOX to address the growing bandwidth needs of its content provider and carrier customers and provide an enhanced customer experience—both today and in the future.”