Sunday, October 23, 2022

Red Hat launches Enterprise Linux for Workstations on AWS

Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Workstations is now available on AWS, The service, which is accessible via an Amazon-provided NICE DCV client or standard web browsers, delivers a high-end Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Workstations environment for powering intensive workloads like animation rendering or data visualization. It supports a variety of GPU-accelerated hardware instances offered on AWS while still delivering a fully-featured Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Workstations environment, delivering a powerful set of capabilities, including:

  • Optimization for high-performance workloads with an emphasis on graphically-intensive processes, limiting the need to performance tune or configure the operating system to meet user needs.
  • Extensive software support with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Workstations retaining the same certified ecosystem as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, with thousands of independent software vendor (ISV) applications ready for use.
  • Broad hardware support that works with a range of Amazon EC2 instances, including G-family accelerated instance types best suited for remote workstations.
  • Provides access everywhere by offering web client and Windows, Mac and Linux thin clients support.
  • An established software development stack with support for the latest stable languages, databases, and tools.
  • Consistency for the hybrid cloud, from platform to cloud service 

“Compute-intensive tasks like animation, data visualization or medical imaging require a powerful, scalable and stable operating system. Red Hat Enterprise Linux already delivers these capabilities for high-end workstations, and today’s launch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Workstations on AWS further expands this delivery, enabling artists, medical professionals, scientists and engineers to do their work anywhere in the world with the required features and in a low-latency environment."