ADVA's UK 5G DU-Volution consortium has won British government funding to promote integration of new technology suppliers for open RAN solutions and develop innovation that enhances spectral efficiency and reduces power, footprint and latency in mobile networks. The ADVA-led consortium includes BT, the University of York, the Scotland 5G Centre and UK-based software companies AccelerComm and CommAgility.
“This project will help the UK unlock the true potential of 5G. Together with our partners, we’re solving key challenges for disaggregated, vendor-neutral RAN infrastructure and enabling a new generation of mobile services,” said Christoph Glingener, CTO at ADVA. “As well as supporting interoperability and bolstering supply chains, 5G DU-Volution will create a springboard for British software innovation. By spearheading this project, we’re developing relationships between education institutions and employers and helping to transform the UK into a center of open RAN excellence.”
“We’re proud to be playing a leading role in this project. 5G DU-Volution will provide a platform for a new wave of open RAN software innovators as well as introducing UK-based technology and talent to the global telecoms market,” commented Anthony Magee, senior director of global business development at ADVA. “By working closely together, our consortium will overcome key hurdles to develop and integrate open RAN software and hardware that meet the needs of 5G. We’ll also be testing our early-stage solutions in real-world mobile network settings, including BT’s Adastral Park. What’s more, alongside our research and education partners, we’ll be working towards the next generation of mobile connectivity by evolving the test facilities towards a 6G future.”