Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Juniper selected by Australian transit authority for infrastructure upgrade

VicTrack, the state-owned enterprise that owns all railway and tram lines, networks and infrastructure in the state of Victoria, Australia, has selected Juniper Networks for the upgrade of its statewide network that supports mission-critical transport and government applications. The company operates and manages an extensive telecommunication network along the rail corridor that includes nearly 3,000km of fibre.

VicTrack has deployed MX Series Universal Routing Platforms. The MX10003 has been deployed at the core, while the MX204 has been deployed as aggregation and internet gateway routers.

For the access layer, VicTrack has also simplified its network architecture and dramatically reduced CapEX and OpEx by eliminating network overlays, with Juniper’s ACX5000, ACX2200, ACX2100 and ACX500 Universal Metro Routers deployed across its network. In addition, VicTrack has also engaged Juniper® Professional Services to help reduce implementation complexity and minimize disruption, all while migrating services onto its upgraded infrastructure.

“We are delighted to expand on our continued partnership with Juniper Networks. The ongoing upgrades will lead to improved network reliability and scalability, as well as simplified network management and operations. Through this network refresh, we are confident in growing VicTrack’s position as a leader in the transport and telecommunications sector, crucial to helping us drive future growth. Alongside Juniper, we remain committed toward providing our customers with leading transportation and communication offerings, experiences and solutions for time to come.”