Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Rosenworcel proposes more mid-band spectrum for 5G

FCC Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel is proposing 100 megahertz of mid-band spectrum in the 3.45-3.55 GHz band would be made available for auction and 5G deployment across the contiguous United States.  The Acting Chairwoman also shared with her colleagues a proposed Public Notice seeking comment on procedures for this auction (Auction 110), in which bidding would begin in early October 2021.

The proposed new rules, if adopted, would allocate the 3.45-3.55 GHz spectrum band for flexible-use service.  It would establish a framework for coordination of non-federal and federal use and establish a band plan, as well as technical, licensing, and competitive bidding rules for the band.  Lastly, it would complete the relocation of non-federal radiolocation operators to the 2.9-3.0 GHz band and the sunset of amateur use in the 3.3-3.5 GHz band.

The draft order will be considered at the FCC's March 17th Open Meeting.

“The promise of 5G means new and improved services and applications for consumers and businesses alike.  This means not only faster download speeds, but also enabling digital tools we can’t even imagine yet,” said Rosenworcel.  “We need to deliver the 5G that the American people were promised.  That means a 5G that is fast, secure, resilient, and—most importantly—available across the country.  This important auction is a crucial step toward making that a reality.  I hope my colleagues will join me in supporting this proposal.”