UL has expanded its Silicon Valley electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and wireless testing laboratory with the debut of new 5G testing facilities.
UL's expanded 5G services include additional mmWave test chambers with dual antenna designs for faster turnaround times, human factor power density testing for mmWave, and increased automation that significantly reduces the average turnaround time for product types and helps ensure consistency of testing and reporting across global laboratories.
UL describes its Silicon Valley lab as one of the largest 5G testing facilities in North America.
"Balancing 5G technology innovation and speed-to-market with operational and product safety are crucial to customer success in a dynamic and demanding market," said Maan Ghanma, strategy and business development director for UL's Wireless and Consumer Technology division. "This is why we have proactively addressed potential challenges facing wireless technology manufacturers and their suppliers and have prioritized our 5G investments in Silicon Valley to test a myriad of devices and equipment."
"Applications that tap the full potential of 5G are on the horizon and will be a profound leap in innovation from 4G to 5G. While Silicon Valley is key to pushing out the 'next new thing' and setting rapid speed-to-market goals, COVID-19 has helped fuel a heightened demand here at UL for 5G testing," Ghanma said.