Tuesday, July 14, 2020

GÉANT picks Infinera's 600G for pan-European backbone

GÉANT will deploy Infinera’s 600G per wavelength transmission technology on its next-generation pan-European network, which interconnects Europe’s National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and supports over 50 million users at 10,000 institutions across the continent.

GÉANT is undertaking the most significant refresh of its network in a decade as part of a major EU-funded project designed to support the needs of Europe’s research and education community for the next 15 years. The upgrade uses Infinera’s Groove (GX) Series Compact Modular Platform, FlexILS Open Optical Line System, and professional services.

“The success of the GÉANT (GN4-3N) project is essential for Europe’s research and education communities and will ensure GÉANT and our NREN partners continue to enable scientific discoveries, remote learning for millions of students, and the realization of open science,” said Erik Huizer, Chief Executive Officer, GÉANT. “Infinera continues to be one of our trusted technology partners and we value their expertise in deploying optical networks and providing the best solutions to meet and exceed our extremely demanding requirements.”

“We are excited to partner with GÉANT to meet some of the most stringent network requirements for high-capacity research and education networks,” said Nick Walden, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales at Infinera. “GÉANT provides network and collaboration services that facilitate important international cooperation between researchers and educators, and we are proud to support their efforts with cutting-edge optical technology that delivers what they need and provides peace of mind.”
