Monday, February 17, 2020

Amdocs intros 5G Slice Manager

Amdocs introduced its 5G Slice Manager solution for helping service providers to monetize 5G network slices from design to creation, launch and on-going closed-loop operations.

Amdocs 5G Slice Manager, which is currently being tested by a leading operator in North America, can be used to instantiate 5G core components, dynamically select and allocate underlying cloud resources, and view the live status data and event-driven updates via the inventory capability. Amdocs 5G Slice Manager enables service providers to automate network slice life cycle management in whatever stage of the journey they are at in their 5G slicing deployment, whether network operations focused, IT/monetization systems-driven, or new business enablement.

“As we look to the monetization of 5G, managing the design, orchestration and delivery of services within a network slice is of paramount importance to our connected society. Being able to differentiate an offering by providing the appropriate network resources required for a service will become vital to meeting customer expectations for these premium experiences,” said Anthony Goonetilleke, group president of Media, Network and Technology at Amdocs. “Combined with Amdocs CES20’s offer creation, converged charging and real-time billing capabilities, we believe that the slice manager becomes a core component of delivering enhanced experiences for users and creates a monetization opportunity for CSPs.”

Amdocs 5G Slice Manager includes functionality for slice design, instantiation and performance management:

  • Slice Design: Supports network slice modeling by chaining various network functions, links and connection points to create specific network slice services. This includes specifying slice parameters, policy and resources dependencies (e.g., throughput, latency, mobility, reliability, isolation, volume and number of users) across all the resources that support the slice and detailing other parameters for the end-to-end instantiation of network slices.
  • Slice Automation & Orchestration: Instantiates network slice instances and the associated network functions by interacting with the different domain controllers to configure all the resources necessary to create network slices and ensure a link between instantiated slice resources and the end-to-end designed slice.
  • Slice Operation: Monitors and assures the behavior and performance of the various slices through collecting network function and infrastructure data, analyzing the performance data and events, and triggering the appropriate actions for resource scaling, elasticity and automatic healing to meet slice requirements. The solution’s closed-loop service automation approach ensures the slice will scale on demand to accommodate changes in service and performance requirements.