3M is moving its enterprise IT infrastructure to AWS.
As part of a company-wide enterprise IT transformation initiative, 3M is migrating its enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, including accounting, supply chain management, manufacturing, product lifecycle management, and e-commerce, along with business-critical enterprise IT applications, to AWS.
Currently, 3M, which has 96,000 employees globally, operates 51 technology platforms. With this initiative 3M plans to leverage AWS’s portfolio of services, including machine learning, analytics, storage, security, and databases to optimize and automate operational, manufacturing, and business processes, as well as product solutions.
“AWS is integral to our enterprise IT transformation as we look for better ways to serve our customers, streamline the way we work, and compete globally,” said John Turner, Vice President, IT Systems and Chief Information Officer at 3M. “AWS, with its proven experience and highly performant global infrastructure, will deliver the agility, speed, and scalability 3M needs to launch new business processes and service models. We look forward to expanding our use of AWS’s portfolio of services, including analytics and machine learning, to gain greater insights and become an even more agile company in the cloud.”