Anritsu introduced a PAM4 Error Detector (ED) module supporting 116-Gbps bit error rate tests for its Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A series.
Anritsu said its MP1900A instrument delivers error-free measurement of PAM4 signals at 116 Gbpss with industry-best operation bit rates and high Rx sensitivity performance. Combined with the previously released MP1900A series PAM4 Pattern Generator that supports high-accuracy BER measurements of PAM4 signals, the BERT allows engineers to accurately evaluate bit error rates of 400 GbE/800 GbE communications equipment and devices.
Anritsu releases 400GbE PAM4 BER Test
Anritsu announced the commercial release of its 64-Gbaud PAM4 Pulse Pattern Generator (PPG) and 32-Gbaud PAM4 Error Detector (ED) for use in 400GbE testing.
The new PAM4 BERT modules can be installed in the Anritsu Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A series to implement a bit-error-rate test solution using either the 26.5625 Gbaud PAM4 x 8 lanes or 53.125- Gbaud PAM4 x 4 lanes methods. When using the PAM4 method to encode data as four amplitude levels, the gap between signal levels is one-third compared to the NRZ method, which reduces the unit time per symbol at higher baud rates, emphasizing the importance of signal quality in achieving high-speed transmissions.