Sunday, October 6, 2019

T-Mobile commits to more wind energy

T-Mobile US is launching its Solomon Forks Wind Project with ENGIE US Wind in Kansas and signing agreements with five additional clean energy sources across the country. These initiatives will bring the company to 95% of its RE100 commitment to use 100% renewable energy by 2021. Along with reducing energy consumption and building green facilities nationwide, T-Mobile is buying enough green power annually to account for every unit of electricity the company consumes. With the addition of today’s five new contracts, the Un-carrier is now participating in a total of EIGHT clean energy projects across the U.S. Once they’re all up and running, they will bring 3,017,000 MWh of green energy online.

"In 2018 we made a big industry-leading commitment to power ALL of T-Mobile — from cell towers to customer care centers to retail stores to headquarters — with renewable energy. Why? Simple. We know our operations have an impact on the environment and we want to do what we can to reduce that. Efforts like the ones we announced today just prove we continue to be ALL IN!” said John Legere, CEO at T-Mobile. “And by the way, I still challenge the other guys to do better and join us in our commitment to 100% green energy."