Monday, May 6, 2019

Microsoft intros Kubernetes Event–driven Autoscaling with Red Hat

Microsoft introduced Kubernetes Event–driven Autoscaling (KEDA),  a new open source project aimed at providing an event-driven scale capability for any container workload.

KEDA, which is now in public preview, is an open source component that supports deployment of serverless event-driven containers on Kubernetes created in collaboration with Red Hat.

KEDA presents a new hosting option for Azure Functions that can be deployed as a container in Kubernetes clusters, bringing the Azure Functions programming model and scale controller to any Kubernetes implementation, both in the cloud or on-premises with OpenShift.

Microsoft said Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is one of the fastest-growing services in Azure.

Red Hat said it is contributing to KEDA (Kubernetes-based event-driven autoscaling), both via the upstream project and bringing its utility to customers using enterprise Kubernetes and containers with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.