Monday, May 6, 2019

EllaLink begins Marine Route Survey for Brazil-Portugal cable

Alcatel Submarine Networks has finalized the Cable Route Study and mobilized the marine survey vessel for the EllaLink submarine cable system. A marine route survey will be conducted over the coming months.

EllaLink will be a state-of-the-art 4 fiber pair submarine cable system linking Europe and Latin America with up to 72 Tbps of capacity. The low latency EllaLink route avoids the congestion of the North Atlantic.

EllaLink plans to be Ready for Service by the end of 2020.

“We are delighted to have appointed Alcatel Submarine Networks to undertake the marine survey and permitting work for the EllaLink cable system. The survey will collect vital data for the project, helping us determine the most effective route between Sines and Fortaleza, from a reliability, environmental and economic point of view. The launch of the permitting and survey work is also a significant step towards meeting our plans for lighting the system by close 2020,” commented Philippe Dumont, CEO of the EllaLink Group.

Following completion of the survey work, Alcatel Submarine Networks will commence manufacturing activities ahead of marine operations next year. The EllaLink system is designed to offer 72Tbps of capacity using leading edge coherent technology.