Sunday, February 3, 2019

Japan's KDDI deploys Nokia's in apartment buildings

Japan's KDDI is deploying Nokia's solution to apartments and multi-dwelling units (MDU) buildings to power its "au Hikari MDU Type G" service.

Nokia said its solution will enable KDDI to use existing copper lines in MDU buildings to deliver 830 Mbps combined uplink and downlink speeds to customers.

Nokia's solution supports Japan's VDSL2 specifications, which will minimize the impact to existing VDSL systems and enable operators to quickly upgrade their high-speed internet service to gigabit-class through a CPE replacement. 

Shigenari Saito, Administrative Officer, General Manager, Network Technology Development Division, Technology Sector, at KDDI said:  "KDDI already provides 10Gbps service for our 'au Hikari' FTTH customers, but the speed we can provide has been limited to 100Mbps service for MDUs where fiber is difficult to deploy.  Nokia's solution enables us to connect existing 100Mbps users and new users under the same DPU (distribution point unit).  This gives us the flexibility and economical path to meet the customer's demands for higher speed.  Our decision to deploy Nokia is based on our long-term relationship,  Nokia continues to be our long-term partner for delivering technology innovations."