Thursday, November 1, 2018

MEF18: CenturyLink's Andrew Dugan on Network Transformation

 What does network transformation mean to CenturyLink?

Andrew Dugan, SVP Technology Planning & Network Architecture, CenturyLink says it is vital to understand that customers are undergoing transformations of their own. Enterprise applications are getting distributed into multiple clouds. Some workloads stay in private data centers and others are moved into hybrid or public clouds. Carriers, like CenturyLink, must provide networking services that are equally as dynamic as the service offered by cloud providers.

CenturyLink is developing products that allow for dynamic service creation. This allows for new connections to be set-up, capacity to be scaled, and VLANs to be controlled.

Another area of interest is MEF's LSO (lifecycle service orchestration) APIs for enabling dynamic services across carriers to public clouds. CenturyLink is heavily supporting MEF's efforts in this area.