Sunday, June 24, 2018

Telefónica: “Designing the future today”

“We want our customers to not only buy capacity or access speed from us; we want to offer our customers a network that they can manage and adapt to their needs, a network with which they can interact and that can learn from them and, therefore, serve them better”, stated José María Álvarez-Pallete, Chairman and CEO of Telefónica during an Analyst & Customer Day event in Madrid last week.

Telefónica also invited corporate customers, such as BBVA, Dufry, PepsiCo, or El Corte Inglés, to discuss network virtualization, Big Data and other topics or the application of Big Data, for example, are helping to transform and grow their businesses.

Telefónica and the mobile robotics engineering company ASTI Mobile Robotics also announced a collaboration agreement to drive the digitalization of the industrial environment processes through the Internet of Things (IoT).