Saturday, December 9, 2017

Crosslake Fibre plans subsea cable from Toronto to Buffalo

Crosslake Fibre, a new venture that plans to construct the first submarine cable across Lake Ontario from Toronto, Canada to Buffalo, New York, has secured an investment from Tiger Infrastructure Partners.

Crosslake intends to build a high fibre count network linking data centres in Toronto t networks in the United States. The 60-km subsea cable will be the first in Lake Ontario. Crosslake Fibre said intends to use horizontal directional drilling to land the submarine cable at each landing in order to minimize any impact to the shore end or beach. The ready-for-service (RFS) date for the system is September 2018.

“Crosslake will enable the purchase of new, diverse dark fibre between Canada and the U.S., allowing carriers to displace leased fibre and add diversity,” said Michael Cunningham, CEO of Crosslake. “We are excited to
partner with Tiger Infrastructure to grow the Crosslake platform.”

In November, Crosslake Fibre announced plans for a submarine cable system connecting cable landing stations in Wall, New Jersey to Long Island, New York.