Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Spark New Zealand Installs 200G Wavelength with Nokia PSS 1830

Spark, New Zealand's leading communications service provider, has deployed the country's first 200G per wavelength production fiber link using Nokia's PSS1830 Optical Transport Network (OTN).

Spark's new 200Gbps network link connects its core network with the global gateway, and enables the service provider stay ahead of the data demand curve for both residential and enterprise customers.

Nokia said it has now shipped its 200G solution to more than 88 customers worldwide.

"Like many operators, Spark has faced relentless growth in bandwidth demand, largely driven by an increase in video streaming by business and consumer users. By taking a flexible approach to this challenge with New Zealand's first 200Gbps fiber link, together with Nokia, Spark is well placed to meet continued demand growth while meeting existing user expectations," stated Ray Owen, head of Oceania at Nokia.
