Saturday, February 20, 2016

LinkNYC Brings Gigabit-connected Wi-Fi to Phone Booths

New York City kicked off LinkNYC, a project to bring free, super fast Wi-Fi to at least 7,500 former public phone booths.

LinkNYC, which will be funded by paid advertising, is being constructed by CityBridge, a consortium that includes Intersection, Qualcomm and CIVIQ Smartscapes.

CityBridge is investing more than $200 million to build hundreds of miles of new fiber optic cable that will deliver gigabit connectivity to Links in all five boroughs. The Wi-Fi at each kiosk will be able to support hundreds of Wi-Fi users simultaneously. At least 510 gigabit Links will be installed across all 5 boroughs by July 2016.

The kiosks also feature opt-in Bluetooth beaconing.