Friday, January 29, 2016

SoftBank Picks Brocade VDX Switches for Data Center

SoftBank Corp deploying Brocade VDX switches to provide Ethernet fabrics as part of the company's group-wide common service infrastructure network. More than 70 switches have already been installed.

The Brocade VDX 6740 and 6740-T switches, deployed in three key SoftBank data centers, create an elastic, self-forming, and self-healing Ethernet fabric with Brocade VCS Logical Chassis functionality enabling the entire fabric to be managed as a single switch. The fabric-based architecture simplifies and automates virtual machine mobility and management within the data centers.

"Increased data center agility is critical to realizing the company's strategy of delivering new OTT services to drive growth," said Takenobu Yamane, manager of system infrastructure and service platform, SoftBank Corp. "Deployment of Brocade VDX switches as part of the new common service infrastructure network gives our data centers a more flexible and automated foundation, supporting a much more streamlined and cost-effective operational model that is capable of responding rapidly to new demands."

  • The BROCADE VDX 6740 SWITCHES support up to 64 wire-speed 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) ports, with the units being deployed with an initial 24 active ports and the option to activate more in eight-port increments under Brocade's pay-as-you grow Ports on Demand (PoD) licensing model.