Wednesday, November 11, 2015

TIA to Open NFV Testing Lab

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) it will launch a lab for interoperability testing of network functions virtualization (NFV) technology.

The TIA NFV Lab, which is expected to launch in early 2016, will help service providers to ensure that software and applications running on the network are able to perform as designed and work seamlessly together with other software and applications. The lab will now leverage ETSI’s framework for its testing.

“NFV is a game changer for the global communications industry and is rapidly driving innovative new services for consumers and businesses,” said TIA CEO Scott Belcher. “But in order to realize its full potential, companies must have access to sophisticated, neutral testing platforms. With the launch of the TIA lab, we are committed to giving solution providers, vendors and developers a place to test compatibility between multiple platforms.”

“The data revolution has created a need for extremely flexible and predictive network architecture that can only be achieved through virtualization,” said TIA CTO Franklin Flint. “The TIA NFV Lab will be the only lab of its kind to test true cross-platform, industry-wide, ecosystem agnostic equipment, software and solutions. It will serve as a neutral venue for technology companies to prove the compatibility and scalability of NFV solutions.”