Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Reports Renewed Growth

Hewlett Packard Enterprise reported fiscal 2015 fourth quarter revenue of $14.1 billion, down 4% year over year, or up 3% in constant currency. This is the second consecutive quarter of year over year, constant currency revenue growth for the Hewlett Packard Enterprise segments.

Business segment results are as follows:

Enterprise Group revenue was $7.4 billion, up 2% year over year, up 9% in constant currency, with a 14.0% operating margin. Industry Standard Servers revenue was up 5%, up 13% in constant currency, Storage revenue was down 7%, flat in constant currency, Business Critical Systems revenue was down 8%, down 2% in constant currency, Networking revenue was up 35%, up 43% in constant currency, and Technology Services revenue was down 11%, down 4% in constant currency.

Enterprise Services revenue was $5.0 billion, down 9% year over year, down 2% in constant currency, with an 8.2% operating margin. Infrastructure Technology Outsourcing revenue was down 11%, down 4% in constant currency, and Application and Business Services revenue was down 5%, up 1% in constant currency.

Software revenue was $958 million, down 7% year over year, down 2% in constant currency, with a 30.1% operating margin. License revenue was down 6%, down 2% in constant currency, support revenue was down 9%, down 4% in constant currency, professional services revenue was down 3%, up 4% in constant currency, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) revenue was down 2%, down 2% in constant currency.

HP Financial Services revenue was $802 million, down 11% year over year, down 4% in constant currency with a 2% increase in net portfolio assets and a 4% decrease in financing volume. The business delivered an operating margin of 10.8%.

"Hewlett Packard Enterprise is off to a very strong start," said Meg Whitman, president and chief executive officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise. "The new company's business segments delivered a second consecutive quarter of constant currency revenue growth in Q4, and we believe that momentum will accelerate into FY16."
