Friday, November 6, 2015

euNetworks Acquires Ireland's Inland Fibre Telecom

euNetworks Group has acquired 100% of the shares of Inland Fibre Telecom. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Inland Fibre, which is headquartered in Dublin, will add 130 km to euNetworks' existing metro network in Dublin. The Inland Fibre network offers a number of unique features in the market, with routes along the canalways, comprehensive diversity options to key data centres in the city and access to business parks in Maynooth and Naas.

“The acquisition of Inland Fibre has added further uniqueness to our fibre footprint in Dublin, creating new resilient routes in and out of some key business parks, as well as connecting important data centres,” said Brady Rafuse, Chief Executive Officer of euNetworks. “This is a highly complementary business to euNetworks and further strengthens our already dominant position in Dublin.”