Monday, September 14, 2015

Avi Networks Names Amit Pandey as CEO

Avi Networks, the next-gen ADC company, appointed Amit Pandey as its, new chief executive officer, succeeding co-founder Umesh Mahajan, who now takes on the role of Chief Strategy Officer.

Pandey spent nearly a decade at NetApp in a wide range of executive positions, and followed that with two successful stints at startups - first as CEO of TerraCotta that was acquired by the European software giant, Software AG and next as CEO of Zenprise that was acquired by Citrix.

“It’s quite astounding that the multi-billion dollar load-balancing and ADC industries have not responded to the huge movements towards self-service, DevOps and cloud, evidenced by the lack of major innovation from these legacy vendors in over a decade,” said Amit Pandey, CEO of Avi Networks. “By comparison, our customers are excited about Avi’s groundbreaking capabilities that enable elastic scale, self-service provisioning and much higher levels of automation.  That’s why I’m excited to join a great team and together we will help Avi capitalize on a huge market opportunity in front of us.”