Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Orange Business Services and Tata Communications Announce NNI Agreement

Orange Business Services Tata Communications announced a Network-to-Network Interconnect (NNI) agreement that enable Orange Business Services to expand its network footprint in India.

Specifically, the NNI will enable Orange to utilize Tata Communications’ 120 points of presence (PoPs), extending Orange Business Services’ reach to tier-two and tier-three cities such as Bhopal, Kanpur and Visakhapatnam. The increased domestic footprint of the Orange network in India is particularly suited to support the expansion plans of global multinational customers looking to connect to the farthest corners of India with robust and reliable network services, featuring global service level agreements (SLA) and straightforward billing.

It also includes access to Orange Business VPN – a fully secured and managed network solution that allows data, voice and video to run on the same IP-based MPLS network – from all locations covered by this network agreement.