Friday, May 29, 2015

Singtel Plans 10G Residential Service

Singtel will be soon be deploying Next Generation GPON on its Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) network. A pilot service will begin in the next quarter and Singtel plans to make the service available to all fibre customers in the later part of the year.

The technology will give customers the option of a 10 Gbps fibre broadband service, useful for applications such as running multiple 4K video sessions. The maximum bandwidth currently available to customers is 1Gbps on Singtel’s Unlimited Fibre plan.

“Over 70 per cent of our customers are on fibre. We believe in constantly innovating and looking for ways to bring them better speeds using the newest technologies,” said Mr Tay Soo Meng, Chief Technology Officer. “Most of these households already have multiple devices connected to their home network. The adoption of this technology will help us meet demand as the number of applications increase and become even more bandwidth intensive.”