The MEF has extended its Carrier Ethernet 2.0 Certification Program to include network equipment used for delivering E-Line and E-Access services up to 100 Gigabits per second.
CE 2.0 100G certification focuses on point-to-point E-Line and E-Access services with added test cases covering the full set of 100G service attributes such as performance and bandwidth profiles.

“CE 2.0 certification is foundational for supporting the shift to dynamic “Third Network” connectivity services delivered over more automated, interconnected networks,” said Kevin Vachon, Chief Operating Officer of the MEF. “Driven by data center interconnection and peering relationships, 100G performance represents the next step in transforming metro network deployments and scaling cloud-centric connectivity services across the globe. Service providers and equipment makers have been asking for a certification program for Carrier Ethernet faster than 10G, and the MEF is delighted to extend the program to 100G today.”