Vitesse Semiconductor introduced its IStaX protocol stack to simplify deployment and management of Industrial-IoT network applications such as Industrial Ethernet switching, surveillance, video distribution, LCD signage, intelligent sensors, and metering equipment.
The software is designed to work across Vitesse’s extensive portfolio of Ethernet switches and PHYs to simplify Ethernet networking and connectivity with various capabilities including:
- IEEE 1588 PTP protocol support with Vitesse’s VeriTime to support deterministic network requirements, critical for high-precision industrial control systems;
- Rich set of L2/L3 features enabling customers to segment industrial from Enterprise networks, and optimize the former for maximum bandwidth and uptime; and
- Ethernet ring protection ensuring continued operations during equipment service disruption or failure, meeting the most demanding operational requirements of control systems.
“Vitesse tripled its Industrial-IoT customer base over the past year. As the IoT continues expanding, the number of companies requiring networking know-how will only proliferate,” noted Larry O’Connell, product marketing director at Vitesse. “Our goal is to make their path to market as easy as possible by leveraging Vitesse’s expertise in Ethernet networking, security and timing synchronization. As we’ve proven in Carrier markets, our turnkey IC and software solutions can reduce time-to-market for Industrial-IoT equipment by nearly 70%.”