Saturday, November 22, 2014

OIF Launches New Project to Identify APIs for Transport SDN

The OIF has launched a new project to develop implementation agreements (IAs) for the application programming interfaces (APIs) used between application and network controller.

The new initiative will build on the Service Request and Topology APIs prototyped in the recent Transport SDN demonstration held with the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) last month.

The new initiative will also create IAs for Service Request, Path Computation, Topology and Link Resource Manager interfaces that have been
identified as part of the OIF’s upcoming SDN Framework document. The APIs to be delivered by the new project are based on REST and JSON principles enabling rapid and flexible application development.

“The prototype Transport SDN demonstration revealed a lack of definition for how user applications interact with transport network applications and resource functions,” said Jonathan Sadler, of Coriant and the OIF technical committee vice chair. “The programmability of Transport SDN requires some of the internal interfaces used by ASON to become open.”