Monday, June 30, 2014

Jibe Mobile Launches joyn for DT's COSMOTE Romania and Slovak Telekom

Deutsche Telekom's regional operating companies in Romania and Slovakia, COSMOTE Romania and Slovak Telekom, rolled out their joyn services developed by Jibe Mobile and delivered over the Jibe IP Communication Cloud.

joyn powered by COSMOTE and joyn by Telekom, provided by Jibe Mobile, let customers use a single application to connect via video call, text, instant messaging, group messaging, as well as share their favorite photos and videos — on their iPhone and Android- powered smartphones.

"This rollout further demonstrates the significant role that Jibe is playing to help carriers
transform the future of telecom services for mobile consumers throughout the world by delivering
IP communications services rivaling the best of OTT,” said Amir Sarhangi, co-founder and CEO
of Jibe Mobile. “Jibe's cloud-based technology and economics are enabling the rapid cost efficient transition to a globally connected IP mobile network able to deliver the most innovative and engaging communication services."