Tuesday, October 8, 2013

IEEE Intercloud Project Looks for Interoperability and Federation

IEEE has launched an Intercloud Testbed project with the goal of developing cloud-to-cloud interoperability and federation capabilities.

Founding members include 21 cloud and network service providers, cloud-enabling companies, and academic and industry research institutions from the United States, the Asia-Pacific region, and Europe. The members have volunteered to provide their own cloud implementations and expertise to a shared testbed environment. They will also collaborate to produce a working prototype and open-source global Intercloud.

The IEEE said results from the project will also assist in the development of the forthcoming IEEE P2302 Standard for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation, which is developing standard methodologies for cloud-to-cloud interworking

“We are immensely pleased to introduce our founding members and thank them for their lab and engineering contributions, which are the backbone of this effort,” said Steve Diamond, chair of the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative. “The IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative is advancing an ecosystem in which clouds and cloud services can federate to enable new services and increase the value of cloud computing to industry and end users. By joining the IEEE Intercloud Testbed, these member organizations are providing the invaluable resources and capabilities needed to realize this vision. We appreciate their participation and collaboration in this fundamental and important work.
