Wednesday, August 14, 2013

CloudNFV Group Develops Multi-vendor Prototypes

A new, CloudNFV vendor group has been established with the goal of developing a prototype based on the ETSI Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Industry Specifications Group (ISG) work.

CloudNFV, which was set-up by CIMI Corporation President Tom Nolle, has just released a technical framework and public demonstration schedule of an open platform for implementing NFV based on cloud computing and Software Defined Networking (SDN) technologies in a multi-vendor environment.   The objective is to structure software and hardware elements, select practical interfaces and data models, and adapt as needed through the evolution of the ISG NFV specification.

The group is planning a series of webinars beginning in late September and will include live, in-person demonstrations conducted at various industry events through the end of the year.

Founding members include 6WIND, Dell, EnterpriseWeb, Overture and Qosmos.

“We formed CloudNFV in April 2013 with a group of like-minded companies working towards an open, effective, manageable, and extensible means to deploy NFV using proven cloud principles and techniques,” said Tom Nolle, President of CIMI Corp. “Today marks a milestone in this work as we invite others to join us as we work to demonstrate the practical application of well understood cloud technologies to NFV – really taking NFV to the cloud.”