Thursday, April 18, 2013

TE SubCom Carries 200G and 400G Channels Across TransPacific Span

TE SubCom has demonstrated transpacific transmission using both 200 Gbps and 400 Gbps data channels.  The test demonstrated a total capacity on a single fiber pair of 21 Tbps transmitted over more than 10,000km at a spectral efficiency of 6b/s/Hz.

TE SubCom said its achievement was enabled by careful engineering of the transmitted signals, in order to achieve both long-distance performance and high spectral utilization.

“Transpacific length transmission at 6b/s/Hz spectral efficiency is a significant milestone for undersea communications,” said Seymour Shapiro, CTO, TE SubCom.  “More impressive is that this was achieved using both 200 Gbps and 400 Gbps channels and large total capacity. Such 400Gb/s laboratory experiments typically require multiple coherent receivers, whereas our recent demonstration used a single high-bandwidth receiver.”