Huawei introduced an LTE small cell router. The new ATN 905 is designed to help small base stations obtain high-rate media access across a variety of scenarios, allowing operators to ex. tend their backhaul network coverage.

The unit is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. It supports any media access, including Fiber, GPON and xDSL, to offer additional resources for the existing network. The ATN 905 supplies power through Ethernet ports to overcome the many issues associated with powering small base stations and also supports plug-and-play and remote service deployment to ease operation.
Huawei said its new LTE small cell router can provide an end-to-end IP RAN mobile backhaul solution with existing ATN products.
The ATN 905 also offer OAM (Operations, Administration and Management) functions that can be used to monitor Ethernet faults, allowing operators to quickly locate faults in VIP private line services.