Russia's Kvant Telecom has selected Ekinops' optical transport equipment to provide coherent 100G transmission between Moscow and the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. The 100G service is deployed over an existing DWDM system. Kvant will now be able to offer 100G services for its diverse domestic and international customers.
Kvant Telecom, founded in 2007, has more than 1,500 kilometers of fiber and more than 100 nodes throughout eastern Russia. Ekinops' flagship next-generation optical transport platform - the Ekinops 360 - provides DWDM and CWDM (dense and coarse wavelength division multiplexing) on a single platform for metro, regional, and long-haul applications. It handles service rates from 100 Mbps to 100 Gbps. It offers a broad portfolio of services, including SONET/SDH, Fibre Channel, FICON, video, Ethernet, and Infiniband. It can be configured as a 100G transponder or 100G muxponder for aggregation of 10G services into 100G., January 24, 2013
Russia's Kvant Telecom Picks Ekinops for 100G
Thursday, January 24, 2013
100G, DWDM, Infiniband, Russia