Tilera, a start-up based in San Jose, California, released its "TILE-Gx" low-power, high-performance 64-bit processors – TILE-Gx36 and TILE-Gx16 in 40nm – as well as companion evaluation systems.
These processors are aimed at networking, cloud computing and multimedia. For networking systems, the company calculates that a single TILE-Gx36 can deliver more than 40 Gbps of L2/L3 packet forwarding performance across small and large packet sizes using less than 25 watts of power. In cloud, a single TILE-Gx36-based server can provide better performance than a Xeon-based system at one-fifth the power and one-eighth the space.
In addition, Tilera’s former CEO and Tilera co-founder Devesh Garg has returned as CEO of the company.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Tilera Releases its 36 and 16-core TILE-Gx Processors
Sunday, January 29, 2012