Wednesday, November 2, 2011

CityFibre Plans £500 million FTTP Expansion in UK

CityFibre, the UK's largest independent provider of fibre in secondary cities, is preparing to invest up to £500 million to build further metro networks and pure Fibre-to-the-Premises networks in towns across the UK. CityFibre
has retained Macquarie Capital, a leader in infrastructure corporate finance, to help advance these plans.

Macquarie Capital is the lead financial advisor to Telstra for the creation of Australia's National Broadband Network (NBN Co). The company will now act as financial advisor to CityFibre in raising new capital to realise the company's plans to connect one million homes and 50,000 businesses.

CityFibre said it will partner with leading service providers, technology vendors and construction firms to deliver its networks. Roll out is expected to commence in early 2012.