Sunday, December 5, 2010

ADTRAN Expands Line with Sealed Access Box

ADTRAN has expanded its family of sealed outside plant broadband solutions with the addition of the Total Access 1108VP -- a local access multiplexer for delivering triple-play services in high-density, low line count application. The Total Access 1108VP, which is specifically targeted for multiple dwelling unit (MDU) and
legacy fiber-to-the-curb upgrades, is a fully-sealed and submersible product for any type of indoor, outdoor or underground deployment.

The Gigabit Ethernet-fed 1108VP solution offers two Gigabit Ethernet ports for network connectivity and chaining additional units and it provides eight VDSL2 and POTS subscriber ports, allowing for easy migration to next-generation services.

The Total Access 1108VP enables rapid installation of up to 100+ Mbps of advanced triple-play
services into MDUs, extending the reach of Gigabit Ethernet deployments where pulling fiber to each
service location is impractical or not cost-effective.

"The Total Access 1100 Series provides unmatched benefits for the service provider," said Darrell
Brown, product line manager, ADTRAN. "With the addition of the Total Access 1108VP, ADTRAN is
able to offer yet another highly effective tool in the belt of next-generation access deployment. The
hardened construction, small form factor and energy efficient design combined with the ability to
utilize existing infrastructure makes this the most robust and economical solution on the market today
for MDU and FTTx applications."

The Total Access 1108VP is currently shipping and is deployed in multiple live networks.