Monday, September 27, 2010

Sandvine's Usage Management Enables Accurate Usage-Based Billing

Sandvine released a new version of its Usage Management product that addresses usage-based billing and unified charging for converged networks. Specifically, Sandvine Usage Management release 3.1 introduces a new Record Generator license that adds the following capabilities to the Usage Management product and complements the support for mobile data pre-paid charging, announced earlier this year:

  • Supports detailed and accurate charging requirements for post-paid service plans using an interface to Offline Charging Systems (OFCS)

  • Provides customizable, policy-based usage data records based on highly flexible network policy rules, triggered by time or volume

  • Supports a variety of use cases, such as usage record transfer to Operational Support Systems (OSS) for customer bill auditing, or for back-up of Online Charging Systems (OCS)

  • Seamlessly interoperates with 3rd party billing network elements within mobile, fixed and converged networks using customizable data record formats

  • Integrates into legacy and 3G mobile networks and offers seamless migration into future 4G networks.